Going home is not what I thought it would be

The unique challenges faced by returnees

Why is it so hard for returnees to continue in their faith after returning home to China? I suggest that the chief cause is a conflict of cultural values that has developed because they responded to the gospel and were discipled in a Western cultural context and are unable to adapt their faith to the cultural context of China. This article by Thriving Turtles was published last year in the Mission Round Table journal.


Coming home: Chinese students who become Christians in America face challenges when they return to China—even within the church!

Jiang’s journey is typical for new Chinese converts who return to the mainland. While the recent influx of Chinese international students has created a myriad of opportunities for American churches and college ministries to evangelize the Chinese, many students are unprepared for what’s waiting for them back home: family pressures, grueling work schedules, and a radically different church culture. Ministries working with returnees found that after two years, about 80 percent of students who profess faith while in America no longer attend church.

https://world.wng.org/2017/09/coming_home (note this link seems to have broken and the article seems to no longer be available online)

Preparing to Return Home: Reaching Asia’s Diaspora – Video

This short video gives a good summary of issues faced by returnees and some things we can do about it.


Crossing the Street, Crossing Cultures

Do you ever consider the varied cultures that surround you each day without leaving the country you live in? Maybe they’re represented by the different people on your busy train to work, or those who live down the road or those you meet at the school gate. Perhaps it’s the world of food offered by restaurants or specialist stores on the high street. Christ sent his disciples out saying, ‘you will be my witnesses … to the ends of the Earth.’ (Acts 1:8). For many of us there are people from the ends of the Earth on our doorstep. This provides us with a remarkable opportunity to engage across cultures by simply crossing the street. The challenge is not so much how will we meet with people from far-off lands; but when we do meet them, how we will make the most of our encounters for the gospel.This latest edition of the OMF Billions magazine focusses on returnees and has some interesting articles about things going on around the world to help Japanese, Thai and Chinese returnees.
